Communication Solutions

Corporate Communication

  • Since Corona we know it, there are also good ways to communicate online. You don't always have to be in the office to attend a meeting. Sure, there are meetings where the physical presence of the participants is required. But there are just as many meetings that can be held online just as well or even better. We are happy to inform you about the most modern possibilities.
  • Microsoft Teams is one of these modern tools for online communication.

Voice over IP (VOIP)

  • With the abolition of conventional telephone networks (analog/ISDN), the new Voice ov er IP standard was created, which means that voice is also transmitted via data networks.
  • This opens up completely new possibilities and also challenges for the old-fashioned telephony.
  • In the past, you could connect a phone with 2 wires (ab) and it was immediately ready for use.
  • Today it is a bit more complicated, but you have a lot more possibilities.
  • We accompany you into the digital communication.
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